hi friend!

I'm Taylor Kaulius - a yoga teacher + a girl mama (best job ever!) + a whole lot more. I live in Baltimore, MD with my lil family and my day to day is a teetering between being the best mama to my Gracie girl and Olivia Lee and growing my yoga business!

When I'm on my mat, I feel more like me. The layers of motherhood + business owner + wife unravel, and I'm able to come home to myself. Whether you pop on one of my on-demand classes, catch me in person, or work with me 1:1, I hope to help you feel a little more like you when you leave your mat. Already whole, already worthy. As you are.

i'm so happy you're here!

As a little girl, my family called me "Taylor Lee" - and many still do to this day! Lee is actually my middle name and I chose to keep it after I got married and took my husband's last name. 

Why Taylor Lee

I get this question ALL. THE. TIME. (Thanks, Jeff!) Kaulius is pronounced like "call-iss" (is this how you do phonetics?!). Our wedding hashtag was #CallUsKaulius - that tends to help some!

How to say my Last Name

I have grown SO passionate about supporting mamas in their journeys through pregnancy, postpartum, and motherhood. The practice of yoga contains such beautiful teachings that I draw from daily as a mom!

Passion for Supporting mamas

I may live in Baltimore, but I'm constantly dreaming of being in the sunshine and by the water! In the summer, you can find me in South Bethany Beach, DE when I'm not in Baltimore.

beach girl In Baltimore

I wouldn't be telling the whole truth if I didn't include this little bit about me! I like to cook and bake and eat. And I alwaysssss have snacks on hand. 

Food is the way to my heart

Get to Know me

I'll tell you a secret - I didn't really love yoga for a long time. It wasn't until 2013 when I was getting my Master's in accounting and studying for my CPA exams that I desperately needed something to manage my anxiety. I gave yoga another shot (my mom dragged me to class after class). And one day, I finally got it. The path we travel through the postures and our breath to presence and clarity and connection - pure magic.

I found strength I didn't know I had, I gained the tools to regulate my emotions, I discovered my innate worth and connected to a deep part of myself I somehow hadn't yet met during the first quarter of my life. I was called to be on my mat more often, to learn more, and to share this magic with others.

Long story short, in 2015 I took a leap, quit my job as a CPA to pursue yoga full time, and never looked back! And because I'm all about transparency - the long story involves a lot of turmoil and tears and confusion. It hasn't always been easy (and it still isn't!). And ultimately has allowed me to step into a life that feels a whole lot more like me. A life where I get to guide you along the path to feeling whole and worthy and capable and enough as you are.

My Yoga Journey

How it started

next step

Helvetica plaid four loko shoreditch austin brooklyn.

step two

book a call

Helvetica plaid four loko shoreditch austin brooklyn.

step three

Since 2015, I've worked full time in the yoga industry - working directly with countless students, training other teachers, building community and growing 7 studios in the Baltimore and Philadelphia areas, developing leaders and studio managers, and sharing my love for the magic of this practice. 

As a 500 E-RYT, I have completed both 200 hour and 300 hour  teacher trainings. In addition to my yoga trainings, I am certified to teach yoga sculpt (so fun!). I've taught 2500+ hours of yoga, led 4 international yoga retreats, and led 8+ teacher trainings. Most recently, I've completed my prenatal yoga certification and have a special place in my heart for teaching other mamas!

Training + Experience

Always Learning

Contact Me

I am honored to support you wherever you are in your journey.

work with me