Taylor Lee Yoga, LLC

Upon booking a retreat experience (the Yoga Retreat) with Taylor Lee Yoga, LLC, I, the trip participant, accept the following Terms & Conditions.

1. Booking and Payments
All bookings are subject to availability. A non-refundable, non-transferable deposit of $500 confirms your spot on the Yoga Retreat and goes toward the final balance of your trip cost. In booking the Yoga Retreat, you agree to pay the listed per person price (USD) by the final payment due date. 

If initial booking is made after the due date for any subsequent payments, you will be responsible for the deposit and any subsequent payments past due according to the payment schedule upon booking.

You may login to WeTravel to pay any amount at any time towards your final balance. Unless paid in full at time of enrollment, you will receive an email from WeTravel to notify you 7 days prior to subsequent payment due dates. If you do not pay the installment due and we do not hear from you within 7 days of the due date, Taylor Lee Yoga reserves the right to forfeit your spot on the Yoga Retreat.

If you are responsible for damages to accommodations resulting in financial loss to Taylor Lee Yoga, you will be responsible for reimbursing Taylor Lee Yoga for for any such amounts.

2. Cancellation Policy
If you wish to cancel your trip you must notify us by e-mail. Once we’ve received your notice, cancellation will take effect subject to the following:

If cancellation takes place before the final balance due date listed on the booking site, your payments (minus the $500 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit) can be refunded only if you can find someone to take and pay for your spot. Taylor Lee Yoga is not responsible for finding a replacement for you. If you are booked with a roommate, your roommate must approve of the replacement in order to be eligible for a refund

If your cancellation request takes place after the final balance due date listed on the booking site, all payments will be forfeited and no refunds will be given.
We reserve the right to recover from you any amount due after Deposit, which you have not paid to us by the Final Payment Due Date.
There are no refunds or discounts given for arriving late or departing early or for guests who choose not to partake in meals, yoga classes, or excursions. 

3. Trip Changes
We reserve the right to cancel any Yoga Retreat prior to departure if there are too few people booked. Should a Yoga Retreat be canceled due to low enrollment you will be given a full refund of any and all payments made to Taylor Lee Yoga. You will not be entitled to claim any additional amounts or seek any compensation for any injury, loss, expense or damage (either direct, indirect or consequential) or for any loss of time or inconvenience that may result from such cancellation (including but not limited to visa, passport and vaccination charges, or departure, gear purchases, airport, airfare and airline taxes).

For all Yoga Retreats, if a Force Majeure event (e.g. pandemic, natural disasters, travel restrictions, strikes, trade disputes, fire, breakdowns, government or political action, acts of war or terrorism, acts of omissions of a third party or for any other reason whatsoever outside of our reasonable control) causes a Yoga Retreat to be canceled, we will have no liability whatsoever to you and may, at our option, by written notice to you, either cancel or postpone the Yoga Retreat. In this case, we will not refund payments when they are due to causes beyond our control but may offer a rescheduled Yoga Retreat date in some instances. If the rescheduled Yoga Retreat date does not work for you, then you must seek reimbursement through your own travel insurance policy. Please note that we strongly encourage trip insurance so that you can make a claim based on the changes/cancellations and have some of your expenses reimbursed by the travel insurance company. We suggest that you include “cancel for any reason” with your policy.  

If the yoga teacher listed on the booking page for the Yoga Retreat is unable to lead the trip due to illness, injury, or any other reason, we will enlist another similarly qualified and experienced yoga teacher to lead the Yoga Retreat. In the event of any change, modification, cancellation, postponement or delay under this condition, you acknowledge that you will have no right of refund of the Yoga Retreat price (whether in whole or in part) and no right to claim compensation for any injury, loss or damage or other additional expenses incurred by virtue of the change, modification, cancellation postponement or delay. 

4. Travel Documents and Flights
It is the responsibility of each traveler to obtain all required travel documents including but not limited to Passports, Driver's Licenses, Visas, Immunization Records, associated with any destination. You are also responsible for booking flights to the Yoga Retreat. We are not responsible and will provide no refund if you are unable to get to the retreat destination because of issues with travel documents, flights, or other transportation.

5. Photography and Videography
We will be taking photographs and videos of the Yoga Retreat for marketing and promotional purposes. You consent to us taking those photographs and videos and grant us the royalty-free right to use them for those purposes.

6. Declaration of Health
I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation in the Yoga Retreat. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and I have no medical condition(s) that would prevent my full participation in the Yoga Retreat. I understand that if I am pregnant, I will ensure my doctor and health care providers know I am participating in the Yoga Retreat. I assert that I am physically and emotionally fit and able to participate in the Yoga Retreat. I also agree that I will be fully and financially responsible for my own physical condition and well-being during the Yoga Retreat, and will follow the safety precautions and instructions prescribed. I realize that the Instructor is not a licensed medical provider, and that I must consult my doctor. 
We will offer modifications for different yoga experience levels, but it is your responsibility to listen to your body, modify, and rest as needed. I will not hold Taylor Lee Yoga and anyone acting on its behalf responsible for any pain or discomfort I experience during or after the Yoga Retreat.

7. Risk Factors and Assumption of Risks
Although Taylor Lee Yoga has taken reasonable steps to ensure safety, I take responsibility for my own safety and assume the risks and hazards inherent with travel and physical activities at the Yoga Retreat, including the practice of physically intense forms of yoga. These risks and hazards may include, without limitation, delays, injury, illness, death, loss of or damage to personal property, exposure to food allergens, and may be caused by Force Majeure events, the negligence of other persons (including third party operators), and the intentional misconduct of other persons. I acknowledge and agree that my decision to travel is made after having considered this information, and I expressly assume the personal risks involved with such travel and related activities. 

I acknowledge and understand that Taylor Lee Yoga trips include risks of injury or death to participants. I understand the description above of these risks is not complete and that other unknown or unanticipated risks may result in property loss, injury or death. I agree to assume responsibility for the inherent risks identified herein and those inherent risks not specifically identified. I acknowledge that participation in this activity is purely voluntary, no one is forcing participation and participation is elected with full knowledge of the inherent risks.

I assume and accept full responsibility for any injury, death, loss of personal property, and expenses suffered as a result of those inherent risks and dangers identified above, and those inherent risks and dangers not specifically identified and as a result of my negligence in participating in this activity.

8. Release, Indemnify, and Hold Harmless
I hereby release, waive, discharge, and hold harmless Taylor Lee Yoga and anyone acting on its behalf from any and all claims, suits, liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses for any property damage, property loss or theft, personal injury or illness, death or other loss arising from or related to my participation in the Yoga Retreat. By agreeing to the terms outlined here I hereby release and discharge my rights and claims for damages or liabilities that may occur as a result of participation in the Yoga Retreat, including but not limited to damages as a result of unexpected occurrences including those from weather, local political situations, wildlife or uncontrollable acts of God, including the risk of death. I release Taylor Lee Yoga including its owners, directors, employees, guides, vendors and partners from liability for personal injury, illness, emotional damage, incurred travel expenses or property damage I may incur as a result of participation on this trip.

For the benefit of everyone on the trip, Taylor Lee Yoga reserves the right to accept or reject any participant at any time without liability, and in the event we determines, in our sole and exclusive discretion, that a participant is disruptive to the harmony of the trip, it may without any obligation to pay a refund or any other amount whatsoever, expel such participant from the trip. Taylor Lee Yoga will carry no responsibility or liability for any participant who leaves the trip prior to its conclusion or for any activity undertaken by any participant which is not included on the trip itinerary.