The Prenatal Program

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physical and heart-based practices to support you in feeling more connected to your breath, your body, and your baby

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During my first pregnancy, I had very little guidance in preparing to meet my daughter. I was under the assumption that prenatal yoga and prenatal workouts were “boring”, and so I continued on with my regular movement practices, which were very intensely physical. Since then, I’ve learned the importance of using the breath to care for your pelvic floor and core during pregnancy and in preparation for postpartum recovery, the value in slowing down and connecting with our babies while they’re on the inside, and the power of training the mind and body for the challenges of birth and motherhood. 


You are strong. You are worthy. You are Capable.

Each movement has been carefully chosen to support your body in preparing for birth and postpartum recovery. Each intention has been thoughtfully curated to support your mind and heart as you transition through change. My hope for is that you are able to feel connected and strong and worthy and capable as you prepare yourself for birth and motherhood.

investment of $199 for Lifetime access - use while TTC, during this pregnancy, and in future pregnancies.

Purchase Now includes:

Four 60-75min Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga classes

Four 10-15min Prenatal Core classes

Four 15-20min Prenatal Strength classes

One 45min Prenatal Restorative Yoga class

One 10min Prenatal Meditation

One 15min Breathing for Core Strength video

One 20min Daily Movement video

Custom playlists for each class format

PDF Program Guide


+ Pay one-time fee of $199 for lifetime access! (~$11.71 per video)

+ Unlimited Members save 20% - check email or message Taylor for code (~$9.36 per video)

Your purchase of gets you lifetime access to 17 videos and a 13 page Program Guide PDF. The Program Guide PDF is thoughtfully curated to guide you through the program and provide you with resources to support you through your pregnancy, such as a class tracker, a birth preferences worksheet, an affirmations page, prenatal/postpartum resources, and more! See list above for a breakdown of classes that you will receive!

breath, body. baby. is intentionally NOT broken down by trimester. Every class is safe and beneficial for ALL trimesters so you can use the entirety of this program throughout your whole pregnancy. In each class, suggested modifications are provided that may support you as your body changes and grows. Maybe in your first trimester you choose gentle movements and fewer classes. In your second trimester, you may ramp up the intensity and focus on building strength. In your third trimester, you may add in additional modifications and more restoration. Each pregnancy is so different - there is no one "right" way to move your body in each trimester. My hope is that you learn to safely listen to what you need and intuitively move your changing body throughout your pregnancy. 

PRENATAL YOGA: This class provides beautiful way to connect with your little one, open and prepare your mind and body for birth, and find strength as you approach motherhood. I teach a powerful prenatal flow that balances strength and surrender.

PRENATAL STRENGTH: This format is focused on building functional strength in a safe way during your pregnancy using body weight, hand weights, and resistance bands. If you are familiar with my Yoga Sculpt format, I'd call this class a "Yoga-less Sculpt". All the great sculpting exercises, packed into a shorter timeframe for busier days. My hope is that you can take what you learn here as modifications for your "non-prenatal" workouts, too!

PRENATAL CORE: These quick classes help you to build core strength safely using breath and movement to support you during pregnancy and set you up for postpartum recovery. You'll use what you learn throughout your day to day life to support your body and "hug in" around baby!

Sign up for unlimited membership and receive a coupon code for 20% off The Prenatal Program! You'll receive lifetime access to the entire program, plus the full on-demand library.

$159 + $40/month

+ Unlimited Membership


Purchase lifetime access to The Prenatal Program for one payment of $199 (processing fees not included).. That's ~$11/video plus extras!

$199 Lifetime Acesss


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let's do this, mama.